Hello world!
Posted by: Administrator on September 8th, 2005
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!
Read: Hello world! »
Posted by: Administrator on September 8th, 2005
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!
Read: Hello world! »
This file, USERS_FARBAR, is yours for whatever you wish. Text in simple paragraphs, <p></p>
lists, whatever. This is a liquid-width column. That said, you should to keep whatever — fixed-width item — below 120 pixels wide. Again, that concerns fixed-width items, self-forming, liquid items like text in paragraphs will adjust its own width. If you must place a slighter wider item, you can use the USERS_FUNCTION or USERS_SIDEBAR file to do so, but do note that that too should remain thin at only 162 pixels as it is a fixed-width column.
You can also add headings in these user files. As many as you like. On and on she goes, where she stops. nobody knows! Do remember, though, in these file you have to use proper XHTML. Of course, this content can serve as example to you. Need even more help? Well, professional help is available.
Attention: This is the end of the usable page!
The images below are preloaded standbys only.
This is helpful to those with slower Internet connections.